“THERE IS NO FUEL SHORTAGE!”: How to tackle false information in a crisis

“THERE IS NO FUEL SHORTAGE!” These words, accompanied by an emoji of a tiny car, were shared by Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Nadine Dorries in response to the apparent lack of gas in petrol stations across the UK. Comments of similar substance were shared by a number of herContinue reading "“THERE IS NO FUEL SHORTAGE!”: How to tackle false information in a crisis"

Reading Ayn Rand in the 21st century

I’m not a big fan of Ayn Rand. Her rejection of altruism, collectivism, and statism in favour of “rational egoism”, coupled with her propensity to justify colonial genocide by labelling colonised peoples as “savages”, is all round unsavoury. But the last month has seen various stories relating to Rand bubble up: Sajid Javid, a card-carryingContinue reading "Reading Ayn Rand in the 21st century"

Upland: A Llama-themed Lesson in Game Design

To Upland’s credit, it does have a certain unsettling realism to it, in part enabled by its blockchain functionality. However, this realism is used for all the wrong reasons — to rationalise mechanics that line the developers pockets, rather than empower players or encourage them to reevaluate the world around them. 

Want to cut down on screen time? Buy a shit phone

Three years ago I wrote a blog post entitled “Smart usage: Two productivity application trends to get you thinking”. The post reviewed a few standout apps that help people either cut down on their smartphone usage or incentivise daily tasks through the use of gamification. During the process of writing it I tried my fairContinue reading "Want to cut down on screen time? Buy a shit phone"

Post-publication: the nips, the tucks, and the cut-ups

Publishing your creations is a funny thing. It means sending them out into the big bad world and inviting both praise and criticism. It also normally means calling time on any final nips and tucks and declaring it a “finished product”, but this isn’t always the case. A host of filmmakers, musicians and authors haveContinue reading "Post-publication: the nips, the tucks, and the cut-ups"